Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How Does an Infrared Sauna Work - Do you Know How an Infrared Sauna Works?

By: Timothy Croy

Whether you have been told to try an infrared sauna for various health reasons or you're just looking for a new way help your body feel refreshed and rejuvenated, one thing that you need to look into is an infrared sauna. An infrared sauna can go a long way towards raising your general level of health, but one thing you may be wondering is how does it work?

The light that is produced by an infrared sauna warms you up without warming the air between you and the heat emitters. Infrared saunas do not use UV light; instead it radiates infrared light along with a small spectrum of red, orange and yellow light found on that end of the spectrum. The results of sitting for a while in this environment can be extremely healthy for you.

An infrared sauna works on the same the principles that a normal sauna does. When your body sweats, you are flushing impurities out of your system. As the tissues of your body absorb the rays produced by the source of heat, it will start to expel the toxins from your body. With an infrared sauna, your body will be affected at a cellular level, where the toxins from your cells will be pushed into your blood stream and then released from your body. Infrared light from a sauna like this will also penetrate your body better than the heat from a steam sauna will' far infrared light is said to penetrate your body deeper than steam heat, and also to duplicate the healthy frequencies of your body's cells. This makes this sort of heat something that your body can easily process, and why not? 80% of the light that makes it to Earth is infrared!

An infrared sauna has several advantages over a regular steam sauna. One thing to keep in mind is that an infrared sauna tends to be cooler. Because of the way the infrared light is absorbed into your body, it does not need to get as hot for you to start ejecting the toxins through your blood stream. This is ideal for people who don't have a very high tolerance for heat. Similarly, because the infrared light is absorbed deeply into our systems, your muscles are gently warmed as are your internal organs. The results can be quite exceptional; people have said that chronic problems concerning their liver or their heart have been greatly improved with the use of an infrared sauna. Infrared saunas, due to their ability to get toxins out of your system, are also well known for their ability to prevent chronic infections and illness.

If you are considering trying an infrared sauna, don't delay; it can change the whole way you manage your health!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Laser Hair Removal Equipment: Dig In

By: David Faulkner

Many of us have had it with the messy wax that keeps burning us and causes irritations, or with the useless razor that solves the problem for the day, but who knows what the second brings? And the depilatory creams work fine, but the smell is just unbearable and it persists on skin for hours. Laser hair removal treatment seems like bliss, and is welcomed to make us proud with our body no matter where: along the bikini line, for women, on the chest, for men, on the legs, arms, under the armpits, on the back, face and so on. There is no mission hard enough for the laser not to carry through.

But before one decides on this type of procedures, one should do a bit of research of his own, to get to know the laser hair removal equipment. This helps to be more confident that the money you invest in it goes in the right place, and plus, you learn something new and helpful: the undergrounds of beauty science.

Keep in Mind

No matter how modern tech they use, there are still the standards pieces of laser hair removal equipment which can be found in every clinic or spa that has on the menu such treatments: the IPL or Intense Pulse Light uses beams with specific wavelengths, based on a xenon flash lamp and several focusing optics. The IPL is used not solely for hair removal, but for other skin flaws such as dyspigmentation, vascular and pigmented birth marks, acne Rosacea, and therefore it is quite indispensable to good clinics to build their renown over this piece of wonder.

The flash light, based on xenon, looks like a hand-held wand handled by the professional technician, and it practically uses a full spectrum beam of light combined with infrared light, which are released and focused over the area that needs to have laser hair removal treatment. Thus, the rays "look" for the pigmented hairs and once they have done so, they turn into energy and the hair along with its follicle is destroyed. This is performed with no tissue damage and could be the safest procedure compared to any other that doesn't use laser hair removal equipment.

What is That Thing?

Well, in truth IPL is not a laser. That doesn't mean the industry has lied, but the physics standard perception of how laser light works is just different from the functioning of the xenon flash lamp, which is considered laser hair removal equipment. It only emits beams of high intensity that destroy the unwanted hair on the body, and therefore it's safe to leave its name as it is: a laser hair removal equipment. For those who want more, the permanency along with efficiency, photothermolysis is there for them, and a highly accredited doctor, that has experience in this sector of beauty treatments, will be smoothing your skin in a few sessions like you never dreamed. The laser hair removal equipment is indeed complicated and there have to be specialists to maneuver it, and money from your part: in the end, the result will be all that counts.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

10 Things you Didn't Know About Laser Hair Removal

By: Matthew J James

If you’re fed up of constantly shaving or waxing to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair, then maybe you’ve already thought about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the most permanent of all treatments available today, and more effective than shaving, waxing. Electrolysis is still in use, but as each hair has to be treated individually, it can be a painful hair removal method, and on occasions can cause scarring.

If you haven’t thought about laser hair removal yet, or thought that it sounded too daunting, these 10 tips will provide you with the information you need.

1) Laser hair removal isn’t suitable for every skin and hair type. The best results can be found on people with light skin and dark coarse hair. This hair removal procedure targets pigmented tissue, and doesn’t work well on red, white, blonde or grey hair.

2) The most common areas for laser hair removal are the lips, arms and underarms, legs, bikini line, legs, chest and back. Laser hair removal takes more time, and is more expensive for larger body areas than for smaller areas.

3) Depending on the area and skin and hair colour, it usually takes between 6 and 8 sessions of laser hair removal to fully get rid of the unwanted hair.

4) There are very few side effects to laser hair removal. The most common is that the treated area can be a bit sore and swollen for between a few minutes and a few hours. In some cases, darkening or lightening of the skin can occur. Effects such as blistering or scarring or changes in the texture of the skin due to laser hair removal are very rare. Side effects caused by incorrect technique or wrong settings can be reduced by ensuring that the clinic you use for your laser hair removal treatment is registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission.

5) Ensure that you do some research before you make an appointment. Find the best qualified and experienced laser hair removal practitioner and ensure that the clinic is regulated. The cheapest clinic may not provide the best results, or be regulated. Laser hair removal clinics often advertise in fashion and lifestyle magazines and so you may be able get an idea of what to expect before you visit one.

6) Expect a thorough consultation from the laser hair removal clinician which should last 30-45 minutes and will cover your medical history and a test patch may be treated to see how you respond to laser hair removal.

7) Before your laser hair removal treatment, you will need to ensure that you follow the advice of the clinician. This advice will suggest such things as to avoid sun beds, sunbathing and fake tan and not to bleach or wax the area to be treated for several weeks before treatment. Your laser hair clinician may also provide other advice and information to take into account before your laser hair removal treatment.

8) Laser hair removal works by passing a laser beam through the skin to the hair follicles where the hair growth starts. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and so stops hair growth. There is often a cooling device fitted to the laser handset to cool the skin down. It usually takes several treatments to get rid of all unwanted hair, because hair has several phases of growth. Laser hair removal treatment lasts from around 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

9) During laser hair removal, the area is thoroughly cleaned, and then the treatment begins. Most patients report very little discomfort or pain thanks to the cooling device fitted to the laser. Immediately after the treatment, additional cooling and moisturiser is applied to the skin.

10) Laser hair removal is quick and after the treatment, make up can be worn straight away, but perfumed products as well as steam rooms and saunas should not be used for a day as they may cause irritation. Exposure to the sun or sun beds should also be avoided for several weeks. You may see a hair growing several days after treatment; this is the dead hair coming out naturally. This may happen for several days depending on the size of the area that has had laser hair removal treatment.

As laser hair removal is so quick and has so few side effects, it is even possible to have the treatment in your lunch hour! Get rid of unwanted hair today!

Total Fitness Laser Hair Removal Clinics are registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission. Our highly trained team use the latest Alexandrite Laser Technology and will advise what sort of results to expect. Take advantage of a Free Consultation and test patch today, you don’t even need to be a Total Fitness member.